Come on, Russia! Keep the faith!
A great lot has been done for the Winter Olympics according to the first pictures from Sochi. The abundance of sport fans supporting Russian athletes is another fact to rejoice over, for we have got quite used to the fact that during those far-away Olympics Russian fans had always been drastically outnumbered.
Certainly, we have all the rights to criticize the Russian government for certain flaws committed during arrangements. Not only are we to praise the “Sochi 2014” Organizing Committee, but we should also spot the imperfections out and give them to the public. Nevertheless, we should keep in mind that holding the Olympic Games is a no-accident affair. Therefore as long as our country invited that many people from all over the world to come and watch the show, all the organizing affairs must match the best Russian traditions: we should be proud of our country and respect all those who come to attend that great spots celebration.
There are lots of officials present among the guests of the Olympics including the leaders of China, Italy, Byelorussia, Japan, Ukraine and others, up to the total of about 60 heads of states.
Our dearest wish is that the Sochi Olympics will be free of high-profile scandals that can cause damage to the image of Russia, that all of the athletes will show due respect to each other and that the referees will do their best to be even-handed and fair.
The majority of our readers are sure to support team Russia in the team total during the Olympics. Nevertheless we are ready and willing to appreciate spectacular performances of athletes from other countries as well and honor them for their deeds.
The grand opening ceremony of the XXII Winter Olympic Games is taking place in Sochi today. And the only thing we can do is join the choir of fans: “Come on, Russia! Keep the faith!”