- Russia demonstrated the best of its capacities during the grand Closing Ceremony of the XXII winter Olympic Games in Sochi.
- Sochi-2014 Olympic Games: Hot, Сool, Ours!
- Five new records have already been set during the Sochi-2014 winter Olympic Games
- Baghdad, Belgrade… Belgorod?
- Street fighting goes full blast in Kiev, and there are casualties
- Evgenii Plushenko is ready to participate in the next Olympic Games
- Wave of protest against depreciation of national currency overwhelms Kazakhstan
- Evan Lysacek: joking on Plushenko is unacceptable
- The troops are being pulled in in Kazakhstan
- Sochi-2014: the Olympic athletes keep on…sunbathing
Почему пропаганда гомосексуализма - опаснейшая тенденция современности
«Общественный контроль» оценил последствия скандала с российским ритейлером «ВкусВилл» и разобрался, чем опасна пропаганда гомосексуализма.
